10 Reflection Questions for 2017

Hey guys! I just watched one of my favorite channels on YouTube, Vagabond Youth. Amy curated a list of 10 questions to help reflect on the past year, and I figured it might be fun to do it myself. 🙂 1. Where were you this time last year? I was in Palm Springs with my…

Feel Good Cleanse Week #3

Day No. 12 | Homework Pictures Why I Had Kept Them: I thought I might need them for future reference. Why I’m Getting Rid of Them:  Despite my preconception, I never actually used them. I’m much more likely to Google something than look through my photos from ages ago. What I’ve Learnt: If I’m not going to appreciate…

Feel Good Cleanse Week #2

Day No. 5 | Unused Purses Why I Had Kept Them: I could connect these purses to people in my life. The red Coco-cola bag reminded me of my mom. The clutch with a girl reminded me of my grandma. The striped cross body reminded me of my aunt. Why I’m Getting Rid of Them:…

Feel Good Cleanse Week #1

Day No. 1 | Neon Summer Clothes Why I Had Kept Them: Honestly, I thought I would find time to wear them. I mean, they’re not my favorite clothes, but I don’t like to let clothes to go to waste. Why I’m Getting Rid of Them: However, summer passed by, and before I knew it,…

Minimalistic Feel-Good Cleanse

We all have a little junk in our lives that we keep just because it makes us feel good. I’m talking about the pants that are a size too small and the art project you always meant to do but never had the time. These are the things that have somehow embedded themselves into us,…

If Sunshine Makes a Desert, Rain Makes a Swamp

According to an Arab proverb, “Sunshine all the time makes a desert.” If this is true, then the inverse must also be true that rain all the time makes a swamp. I didn’t realize how much this proverb and its inverse resonated with me until I had my first good month of my junior year…

August Gratitude

There are millions of things to be grateful for each month. Here is a simplified list of thirty-one things that I was grateful for in August.  unlimited screen time in the summer food ice cream froyo reacquainted friends boba fun moments in boring days my mom understanding me when I’m feeling under the weather books…

July Gratitude

There are millions of things to be grateful for each month. Here is a simplified list of thirty-one things that I was grateful for in July.  dogs holidays neighbors family friends little kids getting paid improvement breezy weather nice hair family game nights luck skill at cards paint practice tests spending time with childhood friends…

June Gratitude

There are millions of things to be grateful for each month. Here is a simplified list of thirty things that I was grateful for in June. new bullet journal timely breaks Disney passing my final great end to school year feeling of excitement opportunity to visit my old elementary meeting my elementary teachers cupcakes mascara…